Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the chairperson of the Austrian Ombudsman Board Günther Kräuter acknowledges the work of the Expert Commissions and the Human Rights Advisory Council.
Health sector needs to step to the plate on sepsis, says Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Julie Mellor
Thousands of people are still dying each year from sepsis because not enough improvements have been made by the NHS, according to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Julie Mellor.
Veterans Ombudsman tables Annual Report 2014
The 2012-2014 Annual Report of the Veterans Ombudsman tabled in the House of Commons yesterday reflects an action-packed year.
Ombudsman long-term care investigation will look at accountability, standards and how concerns are addressed
In a letter to Minister of Health, Dustin Duncan, Ombudsman Mary McFadyen reported yesterday that her Office is making progress with its investigation into the adequacy of care at the Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home.
Victorian Ombudsman finds a ‘litany of failings’ in oversight of aged care home
The Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass has today tabled a report in Parliament highly critical of government oversight of an aged care facility home to 39 elderly residents, many over 90 years old.
Distinguished consumer and health champions join the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s board
Julia Tabreham, founder and chief executive of Carers Federation, and Ruth Sawtell, who has an extensive complaint handling, health regulation and audit background, have been appointed to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s board as non-executive directors.
The Office of the Ombudsman has announced two own-motioned investigation reports
This Office has hosted a press conference this morning to announce two own-motioned investigation reports. One is about the "Rating and Valuation Department’s Regulation of Display of Building Numbers" while the other one is on "Safety Regulation of Eco-friendly Refrigerants ".
Ombudsman Hong Kong holds seminar on private building management
The Office of The Ombudsman held a seminar entitled "Private Building Management" June 25. Around 60 Justices of the Peace ("JPs") and Advisers of the Office attended the seminar and exchanged views with the guest speaker and other participants regarding the Government's policy on private building management, its role and support services provided to property owners, and several new measures and schemes being implemented.
Ombudsman begins taking complaints about school boards September 1
Beginning with September 1, the Ontario Ombudsman is officially able to take complaints about the province’s 82 school boards. The historic new expansion of the Ombudsman’s mandate was granted with the passage of Bill 8, the Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act, 2014.
Manitoba Ombudsman releases revised privacy impact assessment tool
Manitoba Ombudsman has developed a user friendly Privacy Impact Assessment Tool that encourages organizations to think about privacy when evaluating an existing or proposed program, service or activity. This Privacy Impact Assessment Tool replaces the Compliance Review Tool for Manitoba’s Information Privacy Laws, developed by Manitoba Ombudsman in 2003.
Ombudsman draws up new service charter
In a public consultation the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman is asking people to help shape its new service promises, which are part of a draft service charter to makes clear what people can expect from the organization when they make a complaint, or when their organisations is being investigated.
Québec Ombudsman presents Highlights 2015
The Québec Ombudsman received reports of major deficiencies in the quality of the care and services provided to the residents of a residential centre in Abitibi, primarily regarding basic care, nursing care, means of control, reprisals and harassment, and a nurse’s attitude and behaviour.
FRA publishes first monthly update on fundamental rights and migration
As refugees, asylum seekers and migrants continue to risk their lives to reach the EU, FRA will be publishing a monthly overview of the fundamental rights situation in the Member States that have seen the greatest numbers arriving in or passing through their territory.
European Parliament explores how to best implement the UN disability convention
The EU, as the first-ever regional body to ratify an international human rights treaty, must implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in its areas of competence.
People not given answers when they complain to NHS, latest ombudsman report reveals
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman's latest snapshot of cases it has investigated includes cases about grieving parents and partners not being given answers as to why their loved ones died and mistakes not being admitted, which means that much needed service improvements are being delayed. The latest snapshot of cases published today details how one family was forced to bring their complaint to the Ombudsman service, after their nine-year-old son died of sepsis after he was wrongly discharged from hospital.
IOI President John Walters speaks at the Control Yuan
International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) President John R. Walters visited the Control Yuan on the morning of May 18, 2016, delivering a speech on the development of African ombudsman institutions and the challenges that they face.
Seimas Ombudsman addresses lack of privacy as most significant problem in elderly homes
After visiting social care institutions in Klaipėda and Šiauliai districts, the Seimas Ombudsman Augustinas Normantas came to a conclusion that a lack of privacy in elderly homes is the most significant problem.
Victorian Ombudsman tables Annual Report 2016
Victoria’s integrity system must be further reformed to ensure the Victorian Ombudsman can deliver the best possible scrutiny and accountability of public services in the public interest.
Seimas Ombudsmen‘s Office became accredited NHRI
Viktoras Pranckietis, the Speaker of the Seimas (Parliament), in his opening address at the event organised by the Seimas Ombudsmen congratulated the Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office with accreditation as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI).
NZ's whistleblowing processes must be of highest integrity
On Tuesday 4 July, the Chief Ombudsman joined the New Zealand Deputy State Services Commissioner and Australian and New Zealand academics to launch the results of the first phase of research into protected disclosure, or whistleblowing, processes in New Zealand and Australian organisations.