Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Number of complaints and investigations in the 2nd quarter of 2017
A total of 1991 complaints were received in the 2nd quarter of 2017, which is 54 less than in the same period last year. The ombudsman was approached by 1373 persons in matters falling within her competence under the law, which is 46 more than in the second quarter of the past year. Thus, the proportion of complaints falling within the Ombudsman’s mandate increased to 68% (the figure for the last year was 66%).
South Australian Ombudsman releases Annual Report 2016-17
The Ombudsman tabled his 2016/2017 Annual Report in Parliament on 18 October 2017. The Report highlights that complaints about state and local government continue to rise significantly; there has been an increase of 14% in complaints made to the Ombudsman’s Office this financial year. Applications for external reviews of determinations made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 went up 44%.
New Commonwealth Ombudsman and annual reports published
The Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman (the Office) has produced three annual reports: Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2016–17, ACT Ombudsman Annual Report 2016–17 and the ACT Judicial Council Annual Report 2016–17 (not published online). This year marked the 40th anniversary of the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman. While it was an occasion to reflect on its many achievements of the past 40 years, the Office looks with excitement to the future.
15th meeting of the "Business and Human Rights" Working Group was held
The 15th meeting of “Business and Human Rights” Working Group at the Ombudsman was held. The event entitled “Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the context of business and human rights” was attended by member of the Parliament, representatives of the Ombudsman's Office, respective state bodies, NGOs and members of independent Experts’ Council at the Ombudsman.
Inspector-General of Taxation reports into aspects of Pay As You Go instalments
The review into aspects of the Pay As You Go (PAYG) instalments system is the first Inspector-General of Taxation (IGT) review to be undertaken in direct response to insights drawn from the IGT’s complaint handling service. The IGT has recommended a number of improvements to the Australian Taxation Office's (ATO) taxpayer communication and guidance materials as well as internal staff education and support.
Human Rights Defender takes part in seminar on women's rights in closed institutions
The work of the Human Rights Defender in penitentiary institutions is extremely important from the perspective of guaranteeing the human rights. This was highlighted by the Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan during the seminar on “International standards on Women Offenders: Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners” organized on 14-15 April in Tsaghkadzor.
The Czech Equality Body publishes the summary report 2017
The Equality Body of the Czech Republic – the Ombudswoman – published the summary report for the year 2017 informing about her main activities in the field of protection against discrimination. The Ombudswoman received 384 complaints concerning discrimination in 2017, most of them from the area of work and employment. In the year 2017, people mostly complained about discrimination on the grounds of disability. Ombudswoman established discrimination in 40 individual cases.
Last newsletter before the new EU General Data Protection Regulation applies
This is the last IOI newsletter you will receive before the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies. We will ask for your explicit consent in a separate e-mail in a few days. Este boletín de noticias será el último que recibirá antes de que se aplique el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD) de la UE. Nos dirigiremos hacia ustedes para pedir su consentimiento explícito en un correo electrónico en un par de días. Voilà la dernière lettre d'information de l'IIO que vous recevez avant l'entrée en vigueur du Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD) de la UE. Nous vous demanderons bientôt dans un courriel séparé de bien vouloir donner votre accord formel à la réception de cette lettre d'information.
Victorian Ombudsman to re-investigate insurers’ handling of workers compensation claims and WorkSafe oversight
Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass has begun a follow up investigation to her previous Investigation into the management of complex workers compensation claims and WorkSafe oversight. In that 2016 investigation, she found that Victoria’s workers compensation scheme had failed some particularly vulnerable people.
Ombudsman of Lithuania and Ukraine discuss human rights issues in Ukraine
The Seimas Ombudsman Augustinas Normantas and the Speaker of the Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis discussed the human rights issues in Ukraine with the Ukrainian Ombudsman Lyudmyla Denisova. The Seimas Ombudsmen's Office together with other Lithuanian organisations implements an EU Twinning project aimed at strengthening the skills of the staff of the Ukrainian Ombudsman institution.
Human Rights Defender granted leave to intervene as a third party in case pending before the European Court of Human Rights
The European Court of Human Rights has granted the request for leave of the RA Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan to intervene as a third party in the case of Hakobyan v. Armenia. This is an example of international best practice initiated by a National Human Rights Institution.
Control Yuan Issues Report on Long-term Care Program
A Control Yuan joint committee recently issued a report on its investigation into the government’s long-term care program, identifying a serious shortage of long-term care workers as one of the major problems that needs to be addressed.
Ombudsman presents 2017 Annual Report
The Ombudsman Mr. Melron Nicol-Wilson on Thursday 9th August 2018 presented the 2017 Annual Report on the activities of the Office of the Ombudsman to His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio at State House.
Human Rights Defender supports the participation of women in economic life in regions
A special meeting on “Implementation of women’s economic rights” has been initiated among the representatives of the Defender, state and self-government bodies and NGO’s in Khachik village, Armenia on 22 September 2018. One of the key guarantees to tackle various issues in the named field is to ensure women’s economic enhancement and autonomy.
Milda Vainiute appointed as new Seimas Ombudsperson
The new Seimas Ombudswoman Milda Vainiutė, who swore an oath at the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania on 26 September, started her duties at the office on Friday, 28 September. There are two Seimas Ombudsmen in Lithuania appointed for the term of five years upon the nomination of the Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.
Thai and Indonesian Ombudsman strengthen bilateral ties through second-phase MOU signing
During 10 – 12 October 2018, Thai Ombudsman Viddhavat Rajatanun welcomed a delegation from the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia led by Ombudsman Amzulian Rifai, to sign a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ombudsman of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia.
Ombudsman attaches great importance to the promotion of inclusive education
The representative of Azerbaijan Ombudsman Institution took part at the Consultative meeting on Analysis of the inclusive education policy in Azerbaijan which was held by the “Regional Development” Public Union of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation within the framework of the project named “Improvement of the teachers’ skills in the field of inclusive education” implemented with the support of the European Union.
Ombudsman Serbia visits Austrian colleagues
On 17 – 18 April2019 the Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Zoran Pašalić, paid a visit to the Austrian Ombudsman Board. Ombudsman Pašalić was accompanied by the Head of the Serbian NPM Section, the Serbian advisor on “Urgent Actions” and other staff members from the office. The delegation was welcomed in Vienna by Ombudswoman Gertrude Brinek and Ombudsman Günther Kräuter.
The Western Australian Ombudsman organises information sessions in order to engage with Aboriginal Western Australians
The office of the Western Australian Ombudsman has a special responsibility to ensure that it engages with, and listens to, Aboriginal Western Australians. Representatives from seven independent agencies had the opportunity to speak to, and hear from, Aboriginal Elders and service providers during information sessions held in Western Australia, the first in Perth on 13 May and the second in Mandurah on 14 May 2019.
Human Rights Defender announced essay competition to promote inclusive education
The Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia announced an essay competition titled “My Friend” as a part of the #changetheworld awareness campaign to promote inclusive education. The award ceremony took place in November 2019 and the winners received prizes. The best essays have been published with the consent of the children.