Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2023-05-12

    Commonwealth and ACT Ombudsman published paper on multi-agency service delivery and hosts its annual Complaint Handling Forum

    In April 2023, the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman published an Insights paper on multi-agency service delivery, to provide specifics on complaint handling, communication and responding when things go wrong. In June 2023, the Office will hold its annual Complaint Handling Forum.

  • 2023-05-17

    IOI 13th World Conference title and logo

    During the IOI World Board meeting in Vienna last week, the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, Reinier van Zutphen, presented to the board the title and logo of the world conference that will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands in May 2024. He also announced the launch of the conference web page.

  • 2023-06-29

    PEI’s Ombudsperson welcomes expansion of jurisdiction to include post-secondary institutions

    In the wake of concerns raised in a recently released report commissioned by UPEI which reviewed the University’s practices and processes with respect to harassment, discrimination and fair treatment, the Legislative Assembly has amended the Ombudsperson Act to grant jurisdiction to the Ombudsperson over post-secondary institutions.

  • 2023-06-30

    German Petitions Committee visits the Austrian Ombudsman Board

    On Thursday, 29 June 2023, Ombudsperson Gaby Schwarz and Ombudsman Walter Rosenkranz welcomed four members of the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag at the Austrian Ombudsman Board. The aim of the visit of the delegation, which visited Austria as second country as part of a study trip, was to exchange experiences with the Austrian Ombudsman Board on the differences between the Austrian and the German systems of complaint handling bodies for citizens.

  • 2023-07-20

    National Ombudsman (PFDC) releases Management Report 2022

    The Office of the National Ombudsman of Brazil (PFDC) has published its Management Report 2020 - 2022. Among the body’s various agendas are the migratory crisis, the fight against homotransphobia and racism, the defence of women’s rights, human rights at the corporate level, freedom of expression, adequate food, the forced disappearance of people and the promotion of human rights.

  • 2023-08-03

    Ombudsman Behrens receives Honorary Doctorate of Arts from Coventry University

    Rob Behrens CBE, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO), received an Honorary Doctorate of Arts from Coventry University. Ombudsman Behrens is being honored for his dedication to resolution services with higher education and significant contributions within the field of international development. 

  • 2023-08-31

    The Althingi Ombudsman publishes its Annual Report 2022

    By 1 September, each year the Althingi Ombudsman submits his annual report on activities in the previous year. An excerpt of the annual report in English has now, for the first time, been made available on-line.

  • 2023-09-22

    The Office of the Ombudsman of Malawi hails the United Nations Development Programme on Institution Capacity Building

    The Office of the Ombudsman (OoO) has hailed the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for its commitment to strengthen the operations of the oversight institutions in the country in a five-day training of oversight institutions on 19 September 2023. 

  • 2023-10-19

    Ombudsman Sindh facilitates the issuance of complainant‘s number plate and an apology by the responsible police officer

    A complainant alleged that the Excise, Taxation and Narcotics Control Department failed to issue him the number plates of his vehicle despite payment of charges due to which he faced inconvenience and harassment by road side police officers. On intervention of the Ombudsman Sindh, the agency issued his number plate and also the traffic police officer submitted an apology through a written statement for his misconduct.

  • 2023-11-10

    Statement from the Commissioner of Official Languages on the new Francophone immigration targets

    On 1 November 2023, following the announcement of the new Francophone immigration targets, the Commissioner of Official Languages, Raymond Théberge, stated that these new targets were a step in the right direction to stop demographic decline of the Francophones outside of Quebec.

  • 2024-01-18

    International Ombudsman Learning Academy launched

    A learning initiative to help Ombudsman officers across Europe deliver quality services to the citizen was launched on 16 January 2024 in Manchester, UK. The Learning Academy of the European Chapter of the International Ombudsman Institute will serve as a specialized forum and training center where Ombudsmen and their officers will exchange ideas and practices, and develop new skills and modes of cooperation.

  • 2024-02-15

    Ombudsman calls on EU Transparency Register Secretariat to improve how it investigates complaints

    The Ombudsman has asked the EU Transparency Register’s Secretariat to carry out more thorough and meaningful investigations when it comes to public complaints concerning alleged breaches of the code of conduct by registered organisations.

  • 2024-02-23

    Ombud trailblazers: Special celebration of the contributions of Pioneers

    A key highlight of the Second International Ombuds Expo, which will take place in Gaborone, Botswana, from 29 July to 2 August 2024, will be a Special Celebration of Pioneers of Ombud, Human Rights and other related Oversight Institutions. Its significance is aptly captured by an old African saying: ‘If we stand tall, it is because we stand on the back of those who came before us’. Registrations for the event are still open.

  • 2024-03-15

    An Award for Ombudsperson Gaby Schwarz – Burgenländerin Award 2024

    At a gala event, the women's magazine "Die Burgenländerin" (in reference to the Austrian province of Burgenland) presented this year's awards to women from the region who are setting examples and leading the way on both small and large occasions. Ombudsperson Gaby Schwarz was delighted to receive the award in the category Society and Social Affairs.

  • 2024-04-26

    Further details regarding the opening ceremony and call to register for breakout sessions at the IOI World Conference

    The Host of the IOI World Conference is proud to announce that the 13th IOI World Conference will be opened by His Majesty King Willem Alexander on Wednesday 15 May. The opening ceremony will include the future generation and a celebrated Dutch key note speaker.

  • 2024-05-22

    Ombud’s 2023/2024 annual report highlights fairness in times of disaster

    The Ombud’s 2023/2024 Annual Report was released by the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly on 9 May 2024. In it, Ombud Colette Langlois highlighted the increased attention ombuds are devoting to fairness issues related to climate change and natural disasters. The Ombud also reported a 45% increase in the number of inquiries to her Office over the previous fiscal year.

  • 2024-05-31

    Spotlight on examples of good administration

    Every two years the European Ombudsman holds an Award for Good Administration to recognise some of the exceptional work done by the EU administration. This year, the European Ombudsman decided to look back at some of the winning projects in various categories and to ask those responsible what makes their work special.

  • 2024-06-20

    Free new training materials enhance Support for Vulnerable People

    Free training resources designed to support organisations in identifying and helping those experiencing vulnerability are now available online through the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman website. 

  • 2024-06-20

    Former Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman knighted

    Rob Behrens, the former Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO), has been awarded a knighthood in the King’s Birthday Honours List.

  • 2024-07-05

    European Ombudsman asks Commission about delays in its handling of infringement complaints

    The Ombudsman has put a series of questions to the European Commission about delays in how it handles complaints alleging infringements of EU law and how it communicates about infringement procedures.

Showing 3361 to 3380 of 5106 entries