Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
The Parliamentary Ombudsman meets with the Director of the European Fundamental Rights Agency
The Parliamentary Ombudsman, Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, met with the Director of the European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), Ms Sirpa Rautio, to discuss the establishment of a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) in Malta.
Austrian NPM publishes Annual Report 2023
The Austrian National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) published the English version of its Annual Report 2023. In the year under review, the NPM carried out 505 visits, which provided a picture of the human rights situation in Austria. In addition to positive observations, numerous deficits were identified again in 2023.
Ombudsman Assistance Center now open in Pasay City
The Office of the Ombudsman opened its third Ombudsman Assistance Center (OAC) at the DoubleDragon Plaza in Pasay City on 22 August 2024. Intended to cater to walk-in clients for the filing of complaints and Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth including the processing of Ombudsman clearance, the OAC is designed to provide responsive and streamlined frontline services.
Reminder: Commonwealth Ombudsman hosts Complaint Handling Forum from 21 to 25 October 2024
From 21 – 25 October 2024, the Office will host its annual Complaint Handling Forum. The 5-part virtual forum will feature speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including a keynote address from the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Iain Anderson.
PCC present paper on Stakeholders meeting of PCRC Surulere
The Lagos State Office of the Public Complaints Commission participated in the September 2024 Division Stakeholders meeting of the Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC), Surulere Local Government. The monthly meeting tagged: The Role of Corporate Organizations and Individuals to Community Safety and Development, took place at the Bode Thomas Police Station in the Local Government.
Release of the report, A shared future: A closer look at our official language minority communities
Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada Raymond Théberge released his report entitled A shared future: A closer look at our official language minority communities on 9 Oktober 2024. The report provides an overview of the current realities of official language minority communities, which are often on the front lines of official language challenges across Canada.
Ombudsman Newsletter Issue 15 now available
The Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman) has recently published its 15th issue of the Ombudsman Newsletter (October - December 2024). This newsletter's main topics are, amongst others, an introduction to the third cohort of commissioners that took office on 9 December 2024, the Commission being named as the Best Public Sector Legal Department of 2024 at the 7th Annual Gala and Award Ceremony of the Nairobi Legal Awards as well as a training for Civil Society Organizations including the dissemination of a Public Inquiry Report on the challenges citizens face when obtaining legal identity documents.
Provincial Ombudsman Khyber Pakhtunkhwa achieves highest target in number of complaints
In the year 2024, the Provincial Ombudsman Khyber Pakstunkhwa recorded a significant surge in complaints, totaling over 5,348 cases with 4,043 complaints disposal - a notable increase from the previous year. This substantial rise in complaints filed with the Ombudsman Office indicates a growing awareness among the general public about their rights and the available avenues for redress.
Detention centre on Christmas Islands overloaded
There are too many people being detained at the Christmas Island immigration detention facilities. This is the underlying message in the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s report based on observations during two years of periodic inspection visits.
More than 4,000 complaints to ombudsman last year
The Ombudsman received nearly 4,100 complaints last year. In addition, he launched over 60 investigations on his own initiative. Most complaints concerned the police, social welfare and health care, and prisons.
Free electronic access to study on European ombudsman institutions
Against the background of the intensified scientific cooperation and exchange of best practise models among members the I.O.I. General Secretariat is pleased to offer all I.O.I. Members the opportunity of free of charge electronic access to the following publication: Kucsko-Stadlmayer, Gabriele (ed.): “European Ombusman-Institutions. A comparative legal analysis regarding the multifaceted realisation of an idea”, Springer Wien New York, 2008.
Ombudsman recommends criminalisation of homophobic offences
The Ombudsman recently recommended that offences against the person and discriminatory acts where homophobia is the main motivation be criminalised. He underscores that in most EU Member States' legislations, homophobia is an aggravating circumstance or a constituent element of the offence.
Discrimination in job advertisements
The Public Defender of Rights (Ombudsman), as the Czech equality body, responses for researching in the area of discrimination and his first research was focused on employment (job offering). Ombudsman analyzed about 12,000 job advertising released on one of the portals in April and found out that every 6th advertisement was discriminatory.
Ombudsman Board becomes "human rights house of the Republic of Austria"
From 1 July 2012 the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) exerts its new mandate that from now on also includes the protection and promotion of human rights making the AOB the “human rights house of the Republic of Austria”.
Serbia hosts 9th Council of Europe NPM workshop
As of 1 July 2012 the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) operates as National Preventive Mechanism within the OPCAT-regime. With regard to these new tasks the AOB attended the expert workshop on “Irregular migrants, Frontex and the NPMs” on 12 and 13 June 2012 in Belgrade as an observer.
Soledad Becerril new Defensora del Pueblo de España
As of 23 July 2012, Soledad Becerril Bustamante is the new national Ombudswoman of Spain. Her appointment was approved by both Congress and Senate on 17 and 18 July 2012. Becerril is the first woman to take over this position. She has longstanding experience in the political field. In 1981 she became the first female Minister by assuming the department of culture.
workshop with public relations heads of government offices
The newly admitted IOI member, the Ethiopian Institution of the Ombudsman (EIO), organized a workshop for federal and regional government offices’ public relations heads to discuss the implementation of the Access to Information Law. The workshop also focused on the reports regarding the implementation of the law that government bodies have to submit to the EIO.
Examination of the 4th periodic report by the UN CESCR
Austria has to provide the United Nations with periodical reports on the measures that have been undertaken to meet its obligations under ratified covenants. In this context, on November 20th 2013 the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights evaluates the fourth periodic report of Austria concerning the implementation of the UN Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR).
World Bank and IOI successfully co-host round table on ombudsman institutions
On 25 March the World Bank and the IOI organized a round table on „The Role of Ombudsman Offices in Promoting Good Governance and Effective Service Delivery“, held at the headquarters of the World Bank in Washington, DC. The IOI was represented at the discussions by its second Vice-President Diane Welborn and Secretary General Günther Kräuter.
Commonwealth Ombudsman released report into service delivery complaints about Centrelink
The Commonwealth Ombudsman, Colin Neave, today released his report of the Investigation into service delivery complaints about Centrelink. The report features 40 case studies which illustrate the problems that led 9600 Centrelink customers to complain to the Ombudsman’s office between January 2012 and September 2013.