Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2011-07-05

    Committee on Petitions publishes annual report

    As Chair of the Committee on Petitions, Member of Parliament Andreas Kugler, on 26 May 2011 presented the report on the activities of the Committee in 2010 to the Plenary.

  • 2011-12-13

    ACRC implements “Act on the Protection of the Public Interest Whistleblowers”

    Korea has implemented the “Act on the Protection of the Public Interest Whistleblowers” in order to protect whistleblowers who report any violation of the public interest in both public and private sectors.

  • 2012-04-13

    People’s Advocate meets LGBT representatives

    The Albanian People’s Advocate Igli Totozani recently met with LGBT representatives emphasizing on that occasion that the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons (LGBT) are human rights. Albanian public institutions and civil society have the duty to protect and respect their rights.

  • 2012-05-14

    Ombudswoman presents annual report

    Ombudswoman Dr Burgi Volgger reports on the activities of her office within the past year as well as on changes of the legal situation in the Province of South Tyrol.

  • 2012-08-09

    Annual report 2011

    The Seimas Ombudsmen recently published the Annual Report as well as an English summary of the activities of the institution.

  • 2012-10-17

    FRA Handbook on the establishment and accreditation of NHRIs in the EU

    The Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union recently published a Handbook on the establishment and accreditation of National Human Rights Institutions in the European Union.

  • 2012-10-25

    second report on the use of Tasers

    This is the second comprehensive investigation that the Office of NSW Ombudsman has undertaken into the use of Taser weapons by the New South Wales Police Force (NSWPF). The first investigation was done at a time when Tasers were only used by police officers within specialist units of the NSWPF. Since that report in 2008, Taser weapons have been rolled out for use by all accredited general duties police officers in NSW.

  • 2013-02-22

    Health centre violated patient's personal liberty

    Parliamentary Ombudsman Petri Jääskeläinen has asked the company that takes care of on-call health centre services to consider how it could make recompense to a patient for a violation of fundamental and human rights.

  • 2013-02-26

    End of term of the Human Rights Ombudsman

    Higher State Prosecutor Vlasta Nussdorfer took over as Human Rights Ombudsman from Dr. Zdenka Cebašek Travnik on Friday, 22 February 2013 and will start her six-year-term on Saturday.

  • 2013-03-28

    Ombudsman’s findings March 2013

    The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) laid four investigation reports before the Scottish Parliament: three about health boards and one about a local authority. The Ombudsman also laid a report on 72 decisions about all of the sectors under its remit.

  • 2013-05-15

    Ombudsman of the City of Amsterdam retires

    After eight years of serving as the Ombudsman of the City of Amsterdam, Ulco van de Pol will retire as of June 2013. He has had the pleasure of sharing experiences with colleagues from all over the world.

  • 2013-10-09

    New Municipal Ombudsman took office

    In September 2013, after being appointed by the City Council of Amsterdam, Arre Zuurmond took office as Municipal Ombudsman. Arre Zuurmond is Amsterdam’s third ombudsman. His predecessor, Ulco van de Pol, retired in June.

  • 2013-10-11

    Ombudsman criticizes pension delinquency in the private sector

    Cayman Islands Complaints Commissioner Nicole Williams reports that, since 2010, a total of 1,144 businesses failed to pay into the private sector retirement system, thus owing a total of 13.7 million Cayman dollars to their current or former workers.

  • 2014-01-23

    Special Report on the Challenges of Ombudsmanship released

    In September 2013 the Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman held a Workshop on the Challenges of Ombudsmanship. One month later, a special report regarding the activities during those two days was released.

  • 2014-01-03

    New Board of Directors of Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman elected

    During its meeting held on 10 December 2013 at Karachi, Pakistan, the Board of Directors of the Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman has unanimously elected its new office-bearers.

  • 2014-02-04

    New water services jurisdiction for Western Australia Ombudsman

    Following the passage of the Water Services Act 2012, the existing Energy Ombudsman Western Australia has become the Energy and Water Ombudsman Western Australia and therefore investigates complaints concerning the provision of services by electricity, gas and water services providers.

  • 2014-04-18

    Special issue of newsletter published by FPO

    The newsletter is published quarterly by the Forum of Pakistan Ombudsmen (FPO). The most recent issue is dedicated to the event of the 1st Conference on the Networking of Ombudsmen in the OIC member states.

  • 2014-05-21

    New People’s Advocate

    On 6 May 2014, Victor Ciorbea was sworn in as People’s Advocate (Ombudsman) of Romania.

  • 2014-07-21

    Accountant General Sindh pays 7% cost of living allowance to the complainant

    Mr. Sultan Ahmed S/o Foujdar approached Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh stating that he was retired from Sindh Police on 03.12.1999.

  • 2014-07-22

    Distribution of Ombudsman Annual Report 2013

    The Ombudsman team distributed copies of the Ombudsman's 14th Annual Report pertaining to the year 2013 on the 16th July 2014.

Showing 3641 to 3660 of 5106 entries