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Reminder: Webinar on Ombuds in the Digital Age: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities
This is a kind reminder of AORC's thought-provoking webinar on "Ombuds in the Digital Age: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities", which is organised in collaboration with the International Ombudsman Institute and will be held on Tuesday, 10 October 2023 from 10:00 am - 11:30 am (GMT+2). The invitation is available now.
Workshop for All Members to Improve Operations and Efficiency
To better understand general economic changes and social trends, the Control Yuan (CY) and the National Audit Office (NAO) held the second workshop of the 6th term from 31 August to 1 September 2023, entitled “The Contemporary Ombudsman and Human Rights Workshop.”
2023 Conference on "Protecting human rights - approaches to migration and artificial intelligence"
From 9-10 November 2023, the European Ombudsman Network (ENO) will hold a conference on migration and artificial intelligence. Persons interested in participating in the conference are kindly asked to register until 26 October 2023.
Peer review of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman was held in Coventry
A peer review of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (UK) was held in Coventry (UK), in November 2023, by a specially designated panel led by the Ombudsman of Greece and IOI Regional President (Europe) Andreas Pottakis. Former Ombudsman of Ireland and former President of the IOI, Peter Tyndall, Professor of socio-legal studies at the University of Glasgow, Chris Gill, and Kersten England, former Chief Executive of Bradford City Council and of York City Council, were the other three members of the peer review panel.
Public Defender’s Office holds information meeting with Campaign against Gender-Based Violence
Representatives of the Gender Department and Regional Division of the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia held several dozens of meetings in different cities and villages of Georgia within the framework of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.
The Office of the Ombudsman of Malawi supports the Anti-Corruption Bureau
In the spirit of solidarity and oneness, on 9 December 2023, the Office of the Ombudsman joined the Anti-Corruption Bureau in commemorating the International Anti-Corruption Day (IAD) and the Bureau’s 25 years Anniversary in Balaka.
Provincial Ombudsman Secretariat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Team visited Union Council Esa Khel Peshawar regarding Awareness Campaign
On 22 December 2023, two teams of the Provincial Ombudsman Secretariat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa visited the Union Council Esa Khel District Peshawar regarding an awareness campaign about the role and responsibilities of the Ombudsman Institution.
The State Comptroller and Ombudsman publishes a special report on public complaints filed during the first weeks of the emergency situation in Israel
The State Comptroller and Ombudsman Mr. Matanyahu Englman published a special report on the complaints of the public relating to the conduct of the government authorities towards the citizens of Israel during the first weeks of the emergency situation in the country.
IOI President provides virtual Welcome Address to the 2024 Manchester Memorandum
President Chris Field PSM had the pleasure of providing a Welcome Address to the 2024 Manchester Memorandum, held on 16-17 January 2024. In his address, President Field particularly acknowledged the host and instigator of the Manchester Memorandum, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman UK, Rob Behrens CBE.
University conducted 1st semester exams of Business Administration undergraduate program
After the investigation by the Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Ajaz Ali Khan, the University of Sindh Jamshoro conducted the examinations of the undergraduate program of Business Administration, after the authorities of the University had delayed to do so.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman published Access All Areas: Monitoring Places of Detention 2022-23 report
On 21 May 2024, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, in his role as the Commonwealth National Preventive Mechanism (NPM), published "Access All Areas: Monitoring Places of Detention 2022-23", a report which makes 12 recommendations to the Department of Home Affairs to ensure systemic improvements to how people are treated in immigration detention.
Commonwealth Ombudsman Iain Anderson new Board Member of the IOI
The IOI congratulates, Iain Anderson, as newly elected Director of the Board of the Australasia and Pacific Ombudsman Region (APOR). In this function, the IOI welcomes Ombudsman Anderson as new member of the IOI World Board.
OPCAT visits to ACT policing places of detention
The Commonwealth National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) and the ACT Ombudsman, as part of the ACT NPM, jointly monitor the conditions of detention in AFP and ACT policing facilities, to prevent the risk of torture or ill-treatment of detainees.
SPSO publishes new complaints handling guidance to empower children and young people in Scotland
The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) has launched new guidance to support Scottish public services in taking a Child Friendly approach to complaints, following the introduction of a new legal Act in Scotland.
Ombudsman issues practical guidance to council housing officers
Officers who make decisions on people’s housing needs based on medical assessments, have been provided with a new good practice guide by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman presents the Ombudsplan 2025 to Parliament
Pursuant to Section 10(4) of the Ombudsman Act 1995, the Ombudsman, Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, has submitted the Ombudsplan 2025 to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Anġlu Farrugia. The Ombudsplan 2025 sets out the planned activities and initiatives that the Office of the Ombudsman aims to undertake in the coming year. It also provides Parliament with an update on the concerns raised in the previous year’s Ombudsplan.
Annual Report 2023/2024 now available
The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) presents its Annual Report for the membership year 2023/2024. The report gives account of the main projects, developments and achievements made in the past membership year and it is now available in all three languages of the IOI.
Veterans Ombud announces the 2024 Commendations recipients
On 28 November 2024, the Veterans Ombud Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine presented nine 2024 Veterans Ombud Commendations to recipients at a virtual ceremony. The award recognizes and honours the dedication, hard work and selfless motivation of an individual or group's contribution to Canada's Veterans and their families.
Ombudsperson investigating exclusion of students from BC public schools
On 14 January 2025, the BC Ombudsperson, Jay Chalke, announced his office has begun an investigation into the exclusion of students from schools in BC’s K-12 public education system.
Toronto Ombudsman releases 2010 Annual Report
In the 2010 Annual Report, the City of Toronto Ombudswoman emphasized the importance of systemic investigations untertaken by the office.