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Caraïbes et Amérique latine
des principes éthiques pour les fonctionnaires de l’UE
Durant le 7e Séminaire des Ombudsmans nationaux en avril 2009, le Médiateur de l’UE a fait part à ses homologues nationaux de son intention de rédiger une déclaration de principes éthiques destinée spécifiquement aux fonctionnaires de l’UE.
Principios étnicos para los funcionarios de la UE
El Defensor del Pueblo Europeo realiza un proyecto de declaración de principios étnicos para los funcionarios de la UE.
South Tyrol Ombudswoman Volgger at Council of Europe congress
The South Tyrol Ombudswoman and President of the EOI Burgi Volgger emphasized in her contribution the role of regional Ombudspersons in debureaucratization and closeness to citizens.
Public Protector Adv Thuli Madonsela speeks at University about Independence from Political Influence
Link to the Address by Public Protector Adv Thuli Madonsela at the Seminar on the Freedom of the Public Protector from Political Parties/Influence hosted by the University of South Africa at the university’s Dr Mirriam Makeba Concert Hall.
SYT –Training off to a promising start
This morning, Secretary General Peter Kostelka officially opened this year's SYT-Training in Vienna with a short introductory speech about the IOI and the role of Ombudsmen in general. 37 Participants from all over the world then engaged in the first session.
First edition of newsletter of Newfoundland and Labrador's Citizens' Representative out now
Today, Newfoundland and Labrador's Citizens' Representative, Barry Fleming QC, released OCR Insights. This is a quarterly newsletter containing news, updates, case summaries and other short bursts of information, distributed to the public, the Newfoundland and Labrador public service, legislators, community-based groups and friends in the Ombuds community.
New weekly information service
The I.O.I. General Secretariat is delighted to offer a new communication service to the Ombudsman community. The weekly “I.O.I. Ombudsman News” brings recent ombudsman news to members and applicant institutions as well as partner organisations and institutions.
New Head of the I.O.I. member institution
The I.O.I. welcomes the new incumbent of its Japanese member institution. On August 26th 2011, Hideo Arai has been appointed Director-General of the Administrative Evaluation Bureau at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC).
AOM training session to be held in Rabat in December 2011
The Association of Mediterranean Ombudsmen (AOM) is organizing a training session next month in Morocco , with the financial support of the I.O.I.. It will be held between the 13th and 15th of December 2011 in Rabat.
Polish Human Rights Defender Prof. Irena Lipowicz visited Jordan in December 2011 and deepened the bilateral relations with the Jordan Ombudsman institution by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.
The new edition of the e-newsletter of Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin reports on the Ombudsman’s fifth year of investigating public complaints about closed municipal meetings. Andre Marin plans to launch a special Annual Report on this matter later this year.
Ombudswoman Cooperrider lays her first annual report
The Office of Citizen’s Aide/Ombudsman has published its annual report on 2011 containing statistical data regarding the 4,684 opened cases within this period, as well as information on special topics like ‘open-meetings’ and the redesign of Iowa’s mental health service system.
AOB publishes English version of annual report
The members of the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) Gertrude Brinek, Terezija Stoisits and Peter Kostelka recently presented the English version of the annual report 2011.
Ontario Ombudsman staff holds SYT in Iowa
On May 15 and 16, Ombudsman Ontario staff delivered the Office's advanced investigative training course, Sharpening Your Teeth, to staff at the State of Iowa Office of Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman.
Ombudsman publishes English version of annual report
Within his personal message Ombudsman Alfredo José de Sousa highlights the legal amendments to the Statute of the Ombudsman in 2011 as well as changes regarding the communication between citizens and the Office of the Ombudsman.
Ombudsman practice Training officially started
This morning IOI Secretary General, Dr Peter Kostelka officially opened this year's IOI Ombudsman Practice Training which is held in cooperation with Queen Margaret University.
10th World Conference
The 10th World Conference of the IOI, to be held in Wellington, New Zealand from 12 to 16 November 2012, is coming closer and we are looking forward to meeting colleagues from around the world and the exchange of expertise and experience.
Ombudsman Sindh becomes active on "Mehran Bungalows"
Following a complaint, filed by a company engaged in building the project "Mehran Bungalows" Ombudsman Asad Ashraf Malik criticises the local government
English version of Annual Report 2011
The Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macao recently published the English version of its Annual Report 2011 and the document is now also available on the IOI website.