23. Juli 2015
La Defensoría del Pueblo, a través de la Dirección de Protección de los Derechos de las Mujeres y el Programa de Supervisión de los Derechos de las Personas Privadas (PRILI); realizó taller sobre género, derechos humanos y autocuidado, con treinta y seis privadas de libertad del Centro Femenino de Rehabilitación, Doña Cecilia Orillac de Chiari, en el marco del Proyecto “Mujer conoce tus Derechos”.
23. Juli 2015
A delegation of the Macedonian NPM and the Macedonian Ombudsman visited the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) as part of a “Twinning-Light”-Project. The Macedonian Delegation had the chance to learn about the work of the Austrian NPM, when dealing with Asylum-seekers and migrants. The Twinning-Light-Project is co-organised by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights and co-funded by the EU.
23. Juli 2015
The complainant approached Provincial Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik with the issue that Agriculture Department awarded contract to his firm for construction of road for improvement of Cane Yard. The construction work was carried out as per Public Works Department rules with clear provision that in case of cost escalation the differential would be borne the department but the Agriculture Department refused.
23. Juli 2015
Jay Chalke has an extensive background in executive leadership, the conduct of fair and independent investigations and the use of modern approaches to dispute resolution. From 2011 to 2015 Jay led the Justice Services Branch of the Ministry of Justice and was responsible for delivering reforms to justice services and fostering dialogue and collaboration across the justice system.
23. Juli 2015
Hamilton, BERMUDA: Victoria Pearman, Ombudsman for Bermuda, issued an Annual Report for the calendar year 2014.


23. Juli 2015
The report, entitled Quality Counts, explains how the LGO exceeded its performance targets and improved quality standards, while continuing to reduce its operating costs.
23. Juli 2015
The office of the Ombudsman published its 2015 report on systematic visits carried out by the public defender of rights. This report list the risks (ill-treatment of clients) posed by facilities providing care without authorisation (the “unregistered residential social services facilities”) and explain why good co-operation among all governmental authorities is necessary to penalise these facilities.
23. Juli 2015
Federal Corrections Overuses Segregation to Manage Inmates