Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Ombudsman encourages youth for protection of the environment
Azerbaijan Child and Peace Network (ACYPN) and the Resource Center of the Ombudsman on Child Rights held an event on the occasion of 5 June- World Environment Day as previous years. The aim of the event was to educate children in the spirit love to the environment, efficient use of our natural resources, shaping their ecological consciousness, also preservation of biological diversity.
IOI expresses its full support to CNDH
The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) expresses its full support for the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) of Mexico, in response to the unfounded comments of the Mexican Government in reaction to the Office carrying out its constitutional mandate as the independent body to protect and promote human rights in Mexico.
Online survey for new publication on ODR and Ombudsmanship
A new edition of the book “Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice: A Treatise on Technology and Dispute Resolution” is in preparation. The chapter on ODR and Ombudsmanship will be updated and will investigate the uptake (or not) of technology assisted Ombudsman work. You are kindly asked to contribute to the survey.
Control Yuan holds performance review meeting
The Control Yuan (CY) held its 2019 Performance Review Meeting on 17 January 2020. Control Yuan recommendations boosted state coffers by NT$1.5 billion in 2019.
Commonwealth Ombudsman published updated Better Practice Guide for Automated Decision-Making
Advances in technology have made it easier for agencies to make automated decisions. Government decisions, like most decisions, affect people’s lives, so it is important that automated decision-making systems uphold the legal rights and privacy of individuals.
Human Rights Defender monitors situation of domestic violence during the State of Emergency
Immediately after declaring the State of Emergency in Armenia, the Human Rights Defender has started the monitoring of the situation with regard to domestic violence. Reason for comprehensive monitoring is that the restrictions imposed during the State of Emergency increase the risk of violence in the family. In this respect, women, children and the elderly are the most vulnerable groups.
COVID-19: Ombudsman on the ground
The Commissioner continues to fulfil his tasks under his various mandates during the COVID-19 crisis by way of personal inspections.
Statement by the Commonwealth Ombudsman on the management of COVID-19 risks in immigration detention facilities
The Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman undertakes a range of activities pertaining to immigration detention. The COVID-19 pandemic presents particular risks in detention environments, but also challenges for inspection bodies.
Israel Ombudsman presents Annual Report for 2019
Israel State Comptroller and Ombudsman, Mr. Matanyahu Englman, presented the institution’s Annual Report for the year 2019 to the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) on 30 June 2020. The English summary of the 2019 report is now available.
New agreement with PSNI over provision of information
The Police Ombudsman’s Office and the the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) have signed a new agreement which will oversee the processes by which police provide information to the complaints body.
Presentation of the Annual Report for 2019 by the European Ombudsman
On 3 September 2020, the Committee received the European Ombudsman (EO), Ms Emily O’Reilly, who presented her 2019 Annual Report. Members had the opportunity to exchange views with the Ombudsman on the progress of her work for the past year.
Ombudsman launches own initiative investigation into homelessness in Wales
The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has launched a consultation on a proposed “own initiative” investigation into homelessness in Wales. It will be the first investigation of its kind since the Ombudsman was given new powers via the Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Act 2019.
Ombudsman recommends banning television competitions that use telephone numbers at extra cost
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, addressed a set of recommendations to the Secretary of State for Consumer Protection, with a view to protecting the rights of consumers, particularly the most vulnerable, in the context of television competitions which call for more expensive telephone calls.
New casebook to help public sector agencies to improve decision-making
Casebook 2020: Helping agencies to improve decision-making is a new publication from the Office of the Queensland Ombudsman, containing a sample of the outcomes that the Office achieved for Queenslanders through its investigations.
Webinar on reparation for crimes against humanity
The Institute of Latin-American Ombudsman (ILO) invites you to participate in an international webinar on the experiences of comprehensive reparation for crimes against humanity committed on the basis of race or racist ideology on 24 March 2021. Learn from the experiences of South Africa and Colombia and register now.
Webinar “Visiting Places of Detention”
The African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC) in cooperation with the IOI is hosting a factilitated Zoom discussion on the Optional Protocol to The Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) and what it means in relation to the Ombudsman and its mandate of visiting places of detention. The webinar will be held on 20 April 2021 and registration is now open.
This year's annual report of the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands also published as magazine to reach professionals and as Youtube video
This year the National Ombudsman has also published his annual report as a Magazine. The National Ombudsman has opted for the digital annual magazine in order to clarify the work of the National Ombudsman institute to professionals (e.g. complaint handlers, intermediaries, academics, etc.).
Ombudsman Western Australia Annual Report 2020-21 tabled in Parliament
The Western Australian Ombudsman has tabled his 2020-21 annual report in Parliament. The report outlines the work of the Office for the year, in which 96% of complaints were finalised within three months.
The Ararteko releases for the first time a summary of its annual report in English and French
EN: The Ararteko is releasing a magazine, where the key points of its 2020 Annual Report are summarised, in English for the first time in order to contribute to the sharing of experiences and expertise with other similar institutions. FR : Pour contribuer à l'échange d'expériences et de connaissances avec d'autres institutions similaires, l'Ararteko publie pour la première fois un magazine qui souligne les aspects les plus significatifs de son rapport annuel 2020 en français.
Statement on the escalating humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) expresses its deep concern for the plight of the civilian population in Ukraine and the devastation brought by the war. The IOI urges all parties involved to respect their international obligations and to support all efforts to achieve a de-escalation of hostilities.