Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Constitutional Court finds complaint of the Ombudsman to be justified
The Constitutional Court of St Maarten declares the complaint of the Ombudsman concerning not consulting the Council of Advice on the introduction of the Amendment to the Bill leading to the Integrity Chamber Ordinance well founded.
Victorian Ombudsman investigates expulsion at Government schools
The number of students being expelled has risen over 25 per cent in the past year. Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass has therefore commenced an ‘own motion’ investigation into school expulsions.
Ombudsman report reveals – complaints about avoidable deaths not dealt with properly
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s report published today (31) contains 100 cases it has resolved. They include complaints about avoidable deaths, GP out-of-hours care, delayed cancer diagnosis, poor hospital discharge and incorrect medicine dosage being given to patients.
National Preventive Mechanisms of the South-East Europe Network to meet in Zagreb
National preventive mechanisms (NPM) from 13 countries will gather in Zagreb on 29 and 30 November 2016 for the Conference of NPMs of the South-East Europe Network.
Chancellor of Justice publishes English summary of Annual Report 2015/2016
Once a year, the Chancellor of Justice presents an annual report of activitie. The summary of the Annual Report 2015-2016 of the Chancellor covers the period from September 2015 to September 2016.
Public Defender presents Information Bulletin January 2017
The Public Defender of Georgia presented the January information bulletin, where he outlined the activities of the Public Defender's Office, as well as the human rights events throughout the country.
Ombudsman Hong Kong holds seminar on Mandatory Provident Fund System
On 14 June, the Office of the Ombudsman held a seminar entitled "Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) System" with more than 60 Justices of the Peace (JPs) and Advisers of the Office present.
Ombudsman Sindh takes notice of use of substandard material in school building
Provincial Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik initiated action on the complaint of a concerned citizen, who stated that the construction of the Government Primary School was awarded to a government contractor, who allegedly used substandard material in collusion with officials of the Education Works Department.
Ombudsman Northern Territory launches investigation report on women in prison
An Ombudsman investigation report relating to the conditions faced by women in the Alice Springs Women's Correctional Facility has been tabled in the Legislative Assembly. Women in Prison II revisits similar issues to those discussed in a 2008 Ombudsman report. It concludes that progress since then has been limited at best.
Public Protector investigates refurbishment of dilapidated Umzimkhulu Memorial Hall
Public Protector Adv. Busisiwe Mkhwebane is conducting an own-initiative investigation into allegations of maladministration, corruption and imprudent use of public funds by the Umzimkhulu Municipality in connection with the appointment and payment of service providers for the refurbishment of the dilapidated Umzimkhulu Memorial Hall.
ExCom holds first mid-term meeting by electronic means
On 17 October 2017 the IOI Executive Committee (ExCom) held its first mid-term meeting by electronic means. In a videoconference the members of the Executive Committee discussed the progress of projects decided and approved by the IOI Board of Directors in Vienna in April 2017.
Asian Region elects new Director
The Asian Region of the IOI held an electronic ballot to fill the vacant position of one Asian Director on the IOI Board of Directors. Ms Un-Jong Pak, Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission in Korea, received the highest number of votes and was therefore declared elected as new Asian Director.
Aage Thor Falkanger re-elected as Ombudsman
Norwegian Parliamentary Ombudsman Aage Thor Falkanger was re-elected for another term of four years by the Parliament in November 2017. The Ombudsman is appointed by the Norwegian Parliament to safeguard the rights of individual citizens in their dealings with the public administration.
SPSO publishes thematic report on learning from complaints
The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) published its second thematic report on “Making Complaints Work For Everyone”. The report focuses on the impact of complaints on staff who have been complained. It identifies the causes of negative staff experiences of complaints, and offers a number of resources that can help prevent these difficulties whilst ensuring that the rights of the service user are properly observed.
Ombudsman will host Training for Ombudsman institutions in February
The Office of the Ombudsman Malawi will host a Training on the Role of Ombudsman institutions in promoting and entrenching/enforcing ethics, transparency and accountability in the public sector in Lilongwe, Malawi at the Bingu International Conference Centre on 5 - 7 February 2018. The Training will be financially supported by the IOI regional subsidy programme 2017/2018.
39th USOA Annual Conference
The United States Ombudsman Association (USOA) will hold its 2018 Annual Conference from 24 – 28 September 2018 in Portland, Oregon at the Courtyard Marriott, Portland City Center. The USOA Conference and Planning Committee is seeking speakers and session presenters interested in sharing their subject matter expertise.
Commission engages National Assembly Oversight Committee
The Commission has reached out to the National Assembly’s Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs in an effort to advance administrative justice in the public sector. The interaction coincides with the induction retreat for members of the newly constituted Committee which is taking place between 26th to 28th January, 2018, in Mombasa.
Cases of persons with mental illness placed in prison show system-related problem
Polish Human Rights Commissioner Adam Bodnar presented a report on a two-year survey conducted by his office and stated that cases of persons with mental illness or significant degree of intellectual disability, placed in prisons, are not a coincidence but a reflection of a system–related problem.
Second annual open meeting of the UK’s Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Last year the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman hosted its first annual open meeting for users of its service which provided a platform to hear about and feedback on the work of the Ombudsman. The second annual open meeting will take place on 22 May 2018 in London presenting a further opportunity to hear about its work and future plans.
Organisational matters and registration for IOI Workshop in the Basque Country in May 2018
We are contacting you regarding the holding of the IOI International Workshop on “Good Environmental Governance” that will take place on 16 and 17 May 2018 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country. In order to move forward in organisational matters, we request your collaboration and kindly ask all interested persons to fill in and submit the attached registration form before 2 April 2018, using this link.