Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Promoting and protecting the institution of the Ombusdman
The European Commission for Democracy through Law, better known as the Venice Commission, recently adopted a new set of 25 key principles to help protect and promote ombudsmen. The “Venice Principles” have been presented at the Council of Europe office in Brussels on 10 September 2019.
Ombudsman participates at conference on “Religion and Human Rights”
The Ombudsman Institution of Azerbaijan and the State Committee on Affairs with Religious Associations, Law and Human Rights Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences jointly organized a conference on “Religion and Human Rights” in Baku.
Webinar on using OGP to advance access to justice reforms
Join a webinar on “Opening Justice: using OGP to advance access to justice”, which will be hosted by the Open Government Partnership (OGP) on Friday, 6 December 2019.
4th Issue of the Waka Tangata APOR E-news now available
The Waka Tangata E-News includes news and views from integrity organisations in the Pacific and Australasian Region. Issue 4of Waka Tangata is now available online.
Free textbooks: Ombudsman recommends extending the measure to all students in need
The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, addressed a Recommendation for legislative amendment to the Minister of Education to extend the free distribution of textbooks to all demonstrably disadvantaged students attending private or cooperative education.
Ombudsman presents draft bills of enabling legislation to Prime Minister
The Ombudsman Commission officially presents draft bills etc. of it's enabling legislation to the Prime Minister of the independent state of Papua New Guineam Hon. James Marape.
Automated system provides consultation on basic rights of persons deprived of liberty
A unique automated system in the Facebook Messenger application has been launched by the RA Human Rights Defender in Armenian and English. The automated system provides consultation on the basic rights in Armenian and English to the persons deprived of liberty, their relatives or any other person.
Message from AOMA President on Africa Day 2020
The President of the African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA) and Public Protector of South Africa, Adv. Busisiwe Mkhwebane, issued a message on the occasion of Africa Day, which is celebrated on 25 May.
People’s Advocate presents Annual Report 2019
The People`s Advocate (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Moldova presented its report on the observance of human rights in the country in 2019. The English version of the report is now available.
GANHRI holds webinar on protecting the rights of older persons in Covid-19
GANHRI hosts a Webinar on 22 June 2020 about "Protecting and promoting the rights of older persons in COVID-19 responses and recovery: the role and experiences of national human rights institutions”
Administration of National Disability Insurance Scheme funded assistive technology
Commonwealth Ombudsman Michael Manthorpe today released a report into the National Disability Insurance Agency’s (NDIA) administration of assistive technology funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Ombudsman presents Annual Report 2019 to the Parliament
Albania Ombudsman Mrs. Erinda Ballanca presented the institution’s Annual Report for the year 2019 to the Parliament of Albania on the 9 July 2020. The Report summarizes a comprehensive overview of last year’s activity of the largest human rights institution in the country in accordance with its constitutional mandate.
11th Assembly and Semiar of ILO
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the 11th Assembly and Seminar of the Institute of Latin American Ombudsman (ILO), to be held virtually from 26 – 28 November 2020. In the context of the pandemic, the ILO decided to put a special focus on human rights in exceptional situations and the role human rights institutions play in such settings.
Parliamentary Ombudsman nominates new Secretary General
Parliamentary Ombudsman Petri Jääskeläinen has nominated Committee Counsel Matti Marttunen, Doctor of Laws and Master of Laws trained on the bench, as Secretary General of the Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsman. Marttunen will take office on 1 March 2021.
Strengthening co-operation with the Bosnia and Herzegovina Ombudsman Institution
Ombudswoman Lora Vidović and the Ombudsman institution of Bosnia and Herzegovina signed a Memorandum on Mutual Co-operation with a view of developing the organisational preconditions for the co-operation in the protection of the rights of their citizens via handling complaints and other activities.
IACA expands e-learning capacities
The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) adapts to the current challenges posed by the pandemic by expanding its e-learning capacities and offering new educational activities, including online master programmes and anti-corruption and compliances training.
Mokhammad Najih appointed as new Chairman of Ombudsman office
Parliament appointed Mr Mokhammad Najih as the new Chairman of the Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia. Mr Najih, who succeeds Prof. Rifai in the position as Chairman of the institution, assumed office on 22 February 2021 together with Vice-Chairman Bobby Hamzar Rafinus and nine Ombudsman colleagues, who were all appointed by Parliament for the term 2021-2026.
NSW Ombudsman released report on the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic
Yesterday the NSW Ombudsman released a report, 2020 hindsight: the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report highlights the impacts on individuals of measures taken by the NSW Government to combat COVID-19, especially for vulnerable members of the community and those who have been subject to quarantine.
Ombudsman continues to strengthen capacity with assistance of New Zealand Ombudsman
The Ombudsman of the Republic of Vanuatu Hamslison Bulu has been amongst other government directors and media personal in the country who have been consulted to review the contents of the country’s National Broadcast Institution VBTC. Wednesday, 24th of March 2021, marks another milestone for the Ombudsman’s Office of the Republic of Vanuatu as staff members embark on an year long work place training with representatives of the New Zealand Chief Ombudsman Office via zoom conferencing.
The Basque Ombudsman presented its Guidelines for responding to cases of child sexual abuse and exploitation in the Basque Country
The Guidelines aim at improving co-ordination between the different authorities and services intervening in cases of child sexual abuse and exploitation (health and social services, legal assistance, prosecution service and justice).