Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2015-03-23

    Provincial Ombudsman Sindh orders Sugar Mills to take Remedial Measures for Controlling Pollution

    Mr. Asad Ashraf  Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh (Pakistan), received a complaint stating that the management of a sugar mill had been releasing contaminated water and toxic waste into the drain, which was hazardous to human health, livestock and marine life.

  • 2015-03-27

    Biennial FCO/ACCUO Conference in Vancouver

    The 2015 Biennial Conference of the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman (FCO) and the Association of Canadian College and University Ombudspersons (ACCUO) will be held in Vancouver from 11 to 13 May 2015 under the heading “50 Years of Fairness: People, Purpose, Passion”.

  • 2015-04-08

    Ombudsman releases first NPM-Report for 2014

    This annual report describes the activities of Norway’s National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in 2014. Since this is the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s first annual report as the preventive mechanism under OPCAT, the report focuses particularly on the establishment of the NPM and the work done during the establishment phase.

  • 2015-04-23

    Annual Report 2013/2014 now available

    The IOI General Secretariat is pleased to present the IOI Annual Report for the membership year 2013/2014, which once again provides details about the IOI’s achievements in the past operational year. The English, French and Spanish version of this Annual Report is now available online!

  • 2015-05-11

    European Network of Ombudsmen Newsletter April 2015

    The current newsletter provides the latest updates regarding the changes within the European Network of Ombudsmen and other Ombudsman institutions in Europe.

  • 2015-05-18

    Successful 2nd round-table with World Bank held in Washington

    On 11 May 2015, the World Bank (WB) and the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) held a very successful 2nd Annual WB/IOI round-table in Washington DC, which focused on “The role of Ombudsman institutions in promoting citizen-centric governance and inclusive institutions”.

  • 2015-07-13

    People’s Advocate visits Austrian Ombudsman Board

    On 7 July 2015 Dr. Igli Totozani, People’s Advocate of Albania, took the occasion of a visit at the Austrian Ombudsman Board for talks with IOI Secretary General and Austrian Ombudsman Günther Kräuter.

  • 2015-08-18

    Ombudsman presents Annual Report 2014 to Honourable Governor Sindh

    Provincial Ombudsman Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik presented Annual Report 2014 to the Honourable Governor Sindh. The report highlights the performance, achievements & future programme of the institution.

  • 2015-09-09

    Ombudsman Board presents Annual Report 2014

    The Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) presents the international version of its Annual Report 2014. For the first time this report includes both, the AOB’s ex-post investigative proceedings relevant to human rights as well as the AOB’s mandate as the Austrian National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in one volume.

  • 2015-10-23

    Summit 2015 - Building robust accountability systems through Open Government Partnership

    The Open Government Partnership Summit 2015 “Building robust accountability systems through OGP - Learning from autonomous accountability institutions” is taking place at the Palacio de Minería, Salón Maestros, on Thursday, October 29 from 11:00am - 12:00pm. The event will also include a Panel on Accountability Institutions organised by the IOI and the World Bank.

  • 2015-11-04

    Records management

    Proper maintenance of records is an important part of a well-functioning organisation. It is particularly important that Ombudsman offices have good record management practices because it is a key area where Ombudsmen often identify poor practice in agencies in their jurisdiction. In addition, Ombudsman offices often deal with sensitive and, sometimes, highly confidential or secret information.

  • 2015-12-02

    October information bulletin from the Public Defender

    The Public Defender presented its October information bulletin, which provides information about the activities of the office, as well as the state of human rights in Georgia and in the world, international visits and important meetings attended by the Public Defender, recommendations prepared by the office and individual cases.

  • 2015-12-02

    Ombudsman`s Speech on Developing Advocacy Services to Oireachtas Health and Children Committee

    Irish Ombudsman and Second Vice-President of the International Ombudsman Institute, Peter Tyndall, was invited before the Irish Parliament to give his views on developing advocacy services to improve patient safety and standards in the health service.

  • 2015-12-09

    Western Australian Ombudsman Annual Report 2014-15

    The Western Australian Ombudsman has tabled his 2014-15 Annual Report in Parliament. The report outlines the work of the office of the Ombudsman for the year, including investigating complaints, reviews of child deaths and family and domestic violence fatalities, own motion investigations and monitoring and inspection functions.

  • 2015-12-22

    Western Australia Ombudsman hosts delegation from Ombudsman Republic Indonesia

    In December 2015, the Western Australian Ombudsman hosted two staff from the Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI) for a one week internship as part of  the Indonesian/Australian Ombudsman Linkages and Strengthening Program. This follows the Office hosting a senior delegation from the office of the ORI in September 2015.

  • 2016-04-11

    School bulding completed by the order of Ombudsman Sindh

    Mr Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, handled the complaint of a village regarding the failiure to build a school building despite the availability of all the necessary requirements and formalities.

  • 2016-04-14

    APT project report on preventing torture in Africa

    The report on “Preventing torture in Africa: Lessons and experiences from National Human Rights Institutions” marks the end of a three-year project carried out by the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) in collaboration with the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI). The project entitled “A Continent United Against Torture” sought to strengthen the role and capacity of African NHRIs to prevent torture.

  • 2016-05-02

    Spring issue 2016 of Ombudsman’s Casebook

    The Irish Ombudsman has published the office’s spring edition 2016 of “The Ombudsman’s Casebook”.

  • 2016-05-17

    FRA publishes handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child

    Children are full-fledged holders of rights. They are beneficiaries of all human and fundamental rights and subjects of special regulations, given their specific characteristics. This handbook aims to illustrate how European law and case law accommodate the specific interests and needs of children.

  • 2016-05-23

    ACRC publishes Annual Report 2015

    The Anti-corruption and Civil Right Commission (ACRC) published the “ACRC Korea Annual Report 2015”, a collection of the ACRC’s performance and major policies of the year 2015. The Annual Report contains all efforts undertaken by the ACRC to fight corruption and protect the rights of the people over last year.

Showing 3241 to 3260 of 5106 entries